
Left the Army and Came Home to the War

The reason for my creation of Outlaws WORLDWIDE! isn't entirely complicated. I love the idea of the great nation I was born into. I've always been proud of the "American Way", the idea that our citizens have rights and freedoms that God himself bestowed on his children. Having a government that is under our control, representing the interests, and serving for the benefit of it's citizens. Of, for, and by the people.

In 2009, I swore an oath the the United States Constitution and less than a year later was doing route clearance patrol in OEF as a Combat Engineer. Having many close calls and losing brothers to combat, drug overdose, and suicide. That felt for me, a difficult but acceptable loss. In 2021, after the embarrassing and disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, the sacrifice was all for nothing. Billions of dollars worth of military equipment were left behind, including machine guns, vehicles, night vision, even abandoning live and loyal military working dogs. Some refer to it as "institutional betrayal". We continue to pay The Taliban (an invention of the CIA).

Here at home, the compromised criminal puppet in the White House rattles off calls for gun control, censorship, promotes the feminization of young boys and demonizes strong male figures, protecting criminality, and creating (black flag events) the justification to proliferate mass surveillance and warrantless search- often done electronically through our own purchased devices. Salivating at every opportunity to create conflicts around the world, fund endless proxy wars, and bring in their "refugees" consisting mainly of military aged men to resettle in the United States. Our country's women are coerced by the media to abort their unborn children in hopes to excel in the workforce, while her tax dollars go to support entire households of unassimilated foreign invaders. Hyperinflation, taxation without representation, engineered shortages, inverted justice, and perversion of the family unit have created strain on our people. Meanwhile, our war veterans sleep on the streets and, 3rd world indignants are put first in line for financial aid, and housing, and our tax dollars sent to "rebuild" these countries, but never even goes to that use. What could go wrong?? The extinction of the American dream. We are slaves to debt without a cause.

America, as a world power must fall for the creation of a new leader. Hence, the establishment of the World Economic Forum, and the utterly insane Green New Deal. A New World Order will be formed, all nations controlled by a centralized, and remote power to rule over the electronically bondaged slaves of our Earth, largely by means of artificial intelligence. Everything has, and will be installed under the guise of "our safety". Take a moment to ponder the effects of the COVID exercise.

"Our Greatest Ally" is not. We have been infiltrated by the enemies, both foreign and domestic we swore an oath to defend against. What's up with the Ep(stein) clients not being arrested? Ask yourself why the J's aren't allowed to be criticized for anything they do, 80+ years after WW2, and banned in over 100 countries... coincidence? Why they are in control of all our financial systems, major companies, media, entertainment (and p0rn) industry, education, medicine, promoting "diversity" in western countries while not allowing it in "their" country".... and, yeah they killed Jesus too. Not allowed talk about that! Despite having "the right to free speech". ( )


Any class of people who is protected from, and by law is something to discuss, and those persecuted for their views and observations may be worth hearing.

 That's American.

Nationalism should not be viewed as "the other N word". A nation that primarily serves foreign interests is utterly insane, and unwell.

"When The World Is Upside Down, Good Men Become Outlaws!"


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8
